Acupuncture & Vedic Meditation in Boulder, CO

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Acupressure Point for Adrenal Fatigue & Burnout.

Waking up tired? Feeling rundown? Your kidneys might need some support. The kidneys are the organ associated with the winter season, so they can become imbalanced this time of year. Especially if we are burning the candle at both ends and not making time for adequate rest. Try massaging this acupressure point daily to support the kidneys and the adrenal glands. 

Acupressure Point: BLADDER 23

📍Location: on the lower back, below the second lumbar vertebra, two finger widths away from the spine. You can also find this point by tracing a line from the bottom of the rib cage to the spine and then measuring two finger widths away from that point. Search for the tender spot in this general area. 

✨Routine: use your thumbs to massage this point on both sides of the spine. You can massage them in a circular motion or use direct pressure for about 1-3 minutes. Take deep breaths while you engage with these points. Notice the energy in the low back relaxing and expanding. You may also feel a sense of calm wash over your body. 

✨This point treats: fatigue, dizziness, urinary problems, impotence, infertility, irregular menstruation, water retention, diarrhea, poor circulation, tinnitus, blurry vision, and pain or weakness in the lower back/knees/ankles. 

Next time you feel overwhelmed or fatigued, try this acupressure point for some relief. You can also practice this routine daily throughout the winter season. 

PC: Mor Shani